Saturday, October 18, 2008

A message to my fans

To all my loyal fans who view my blog, check out these blogs as well. They provide a deep insight on vital topics that affect everyone's lives.

Renewable energy: The New Oil?

Tommy's blog shows an in depth analysis of the possible alternative sources of energy. He updates his blog on new energy sources that I have never even heard of before such as Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) which is a "water-based way for harvesting energy." He compares these new methods of attaining energy to the detrimental and now diminishing fossil fuels. The OTEC offers an incredible amount of energy, as Tommy writes, and "only 0.1% of this energy could provide 20 times the energy consumed in the United States." But the only problem with it will have to go and see his blog to learn more.

Middle East Politics in 2008
Kia writes a blog that, well, is just what it sounds like. It is an incredibly interesting blog that focuses on the struggles within the Middle East and the effects the U.S. has on that region of the world. I never knew anything about the Kurdish struggle and how they were oppressed from Saddam Hussein and the Turkish government, forced to become refugees and create a terrorist party in order to attain a homeland. But the PKK terrorist group is attacked by the Turkish forces, thus suppressing the terrorism but not promoting any peace. Kia displays the facts in a way that makes the reader analyze the argument. The Kurds are in desperation and deserve an independent nation through negotiation rather than terrorism. Read more and decide for yourself.

Global Warming

Don't you love the heat? No! Student provides a look at global warming an its cause and effects. Apparently it is not just the carbon dioxide that is the sole contributor to global warming, but it is a natural process. According to student, "about 450 million years ago the carbon dioxide levels were ten times what they are now." How many questions can you ask now about global warming? Will it continue to heat? Do the human have any effect at all on global warming? Ask student these questions as you read his blog.

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