Monday, October 13, 2008

Free food!!!

Aha! I got your attention didn't I?

Again, I was reading an online article in the San Francisco Chronicle which was about the chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke. He is apparently a scholar of the Great Depression and, as Carolyn Said writes, "observers say Bernanke's vigorous responses spring directly from his knowledge of the ultimate economic catastrophe." Bernanke is applying the same tactics that Roosevelt executed during the Great Depression; "unorthodox approaches, some with trial and error." Some of his actions included rescuing the insurance giant AIG "in exchange for an ownership stake," and brokering Bear Stearns. Bernanke even began working with the Treasury Department.

I have to say, I am pretty confident in this man. Although he is pursuing some points with trial and error, at least he is doing something, and he is using his knowledge of the Great Depression to credit his actions. According to Said, "Bernanke is taking the opposite approach from what the Federal Reserve did before and during the Great Depression. He is giving gas to the economy by increasing liquidity." Bernanke is flooding the economy with cash and although he is nicknamed "Helicopter Ben" for showering the country with money, economists trust his judgment due to his large knowledge. David Moss, an economic history professor at Harvard Business School, praises Bernanke's aggressive approaches and meticulous study of the Great Depression. "He has an appreciation for the complexities and reality of what was going on then, as much or more than any other scholar," Moss states in Said's interview. Wow, I mean come on, it's a Harvard professor of Business!!!! It doesn't get much better than that...unless you are the Federal government.

Just last Friday, the Stock Market was officially nationalized. The Federal government will now buy financial shares and bank stocks. Last Wednesday the SEC ended its ban on short-selling after the attempt to stop the dramatic declining of the Market had failed. The American Banking Association demanded the ban be returned if their stocks started to plummet again. But according to Robert Folsom of the Elliotwave International, "instead of reinstating the short-selling ban, the Treasury will now proceed to buy bank shares. Needless to say, all the stock market news now proclaims that today's 936-point, 'biggest one-day point gain ever' in the Dow Industrials was because 'governments and central banks took aggressive steps to unlock the flow of credit."'

Hope seems to stay alive as today the Dow rose 936 points making it the biggest single day percentage gain in 75 years, according to Michael M. Grynbaum of the New York Times. Bernanke and his extreme solutions with the Treasury Department seem to have output some positive effects; or this could be the omen of another Black Tuesday, the calm before the storm, history repeating another Great Depression.

While the "nationalizing" seems to be a movement towards socialism, the Federal government continues to step in to the U.S. economy. Money is being poured into the Market, but it seems the government is overstepping their boundaries by saving large corporate tycoons with taxpayers' money. What do you think America? Are we giving the government too much control with our economy? Do you think this positive gain is evidence for condoning the government's actions? Is Ben Bernanke our savior from a economic meltdown? Or is this just the last bit of hope squeezed out of the Market before disaster? I want to know what you think America.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it true that every time that we have an election here in the U.S. the stocks go down. Isn't it possible that the stocks will go back up right after the new president is elected? I mean it can't be down forever right?

Anonymous said...

I agree with the blogger in the Bernanke could be our savior from our economic disaster. Since the DOW went up almost 1000 points today, it seems as if his methods are working. Now, we'll have to wait longer to see if everything starts progressing in a positive way to really see if Bernanke is right with his methods. But, at least he is trying and his knowledge of what happened before seems to give him an edge in trying to fix our current problem.

Cam said...

This helicopter ben guy does seem to know what he is talking about or at least is trying to think of innovative ways to make things better. Do you believe that with the crash of the housing market, the stock markets struggle, and all the other problems in government right now that it is imposible that this is coming from the election. Yes, stocks may go down during election times, but not like we've seen recently.

Tommy said...

The Brown Man,

Ben Bernanke seem to know much on the economy, and if his approach is effective in some sort of economic restoration, then his approaches may be carried on into the future. On a side note, why would the American Banking Association want the ban of short-selling restored? Finally, is the free food the economic gain in the stocks?


Anonymous said...


Ben seems to know his stuff. Also I like the references to looking to the last Great Depression and how America was able to overcome the oppression. This could be a very helpful way to predict what may happen to the US down the road and what propositions would help to prevent another Great Depression. The only question I have is whether or not we can determine that the plans the government initiated during the Great Depression to repair the economy were effective? Is it possible that the economy corrected itself or that it could have come back around without the governmental influence?


Robert Lapp